Woman cry out is one of the vehicles through which God is working to restore womanhood so that the woman is fully equipped to play her role in these last days. The woman God made is ‘’help fit’’ for God also and God still needs that help today. The woman has always been a key player in God’s work on earth. In these last days, God has again chosen to preserve her relevance by retaining the role she has always played. However, the woman God needs is one who like Deborah is willing to surrender to God so that He can work in and through her to accomplish His purpose here on earth as was the plan at the beginning. Working in her to empower her on the inside so that she is beautiful on the outside radiating the glory of her master.
God is raising ‘’Deborahs’’ – women who deeply understanding who they are in Christ so that they are not afraid to surrender to Him. They are not ashamed to be women and like Deborah, are willing to work with God for the establishment of His will on earth as it is in heaven. It really does take a woman who knows who she is to surrender to God and like Deborah, go to battle even when she knew that God would work the victory through another. This woman is in every woman but remains dormant until and unless the woman is powerfully empowered by God on the inside. You are that woman and God is calling you to ‘’step up to the plate’’.
We would be glad if you make the decision to be another Deborah: a decision that starts with inviting Christ into your life. We are not a church so we encourage you to join a bible believing church where Truth is taught. However, we would be glad to see you at our prayer conferences which hold twice yearly and our online bible study which holds at 5. 30pm every last Saturday of the month. God bless you indeed.
This class takes place every last Saturday of every month at 5:30pm.
To participate, download womancryout mobile app on android and ios.
I guess the answer will be ‘no’ because if they did, then they would be God. I don’t understand why He would love man so much and then desire that we would also love Him in return. Even the angels were surprised that God would not only make man but esteem him so highly.
Today, I am thinking about the treasure that is hidden in His word and all hidden therein for you and I because of this great love that God has for us. Why would God hide so much in His word? I wonder! But He has and so there is no going round His word if we are going to succeed and truly be great. You can never have enough of His word. Nobody can overdose on it.
The word of God is like a treasure chest with a lot of treasure hidden therein and the most expensive ones are mostly hidden deep down so you have to search deep to get them. The more I study the bible, the more I learn new things about God which give me a better understanding of Him. As you discover new things about Him, you get excited. Sometimes, you feel like jumping for joy. God is indeed exciting. Of course, if you don’t’ discover new things about Him, He becomes boring and one begins to look for excitement in the wrong places when it’s all in the word.
John 1: 14 “So the word became human ad made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the father’s one and only son.”
There is no gift like the word of God. The greatest gift of all times is truly His word – Jesus Christ. The bible tells us that Jesus is the living word of God. He is the word personified; so that in Jesus we have all the treasure we need and will ever need to live as head and not tail. We have all we would ever need to be lenders to nations. We have all we will ever need to be in health, live a righteous life and then make heaven. Truly, through His word God made all things and will ever make anything that has to be made.
John 1: 3 “God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him.”
God’s word is His “jewel of inestimable value.’ It is His pearl that He does not cast before swine so that simple as it is, not everyone is able to access this treasure chest. Even if they read forever, it will just be a book to them; at best, a book that talks about God but the deep things/treasure hidden therein will not be revealed to them. What an awesome privilege we have as children of God to be granted access to this treasure. A privilege not to be taken for granted or ignored. He does get sweeter and sweeter.
Mathew 7: 6 “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.”
Do you dig in this treasure chest? How often do you dig into it? All you can ever have is dependent on how deep you are able to dig.
It is time to go back to studying His word.
Now more than ever before, the whole earth is groaning and awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. This manifestation will not necessarily be marked by drama but by manifestation and establishment of God’s will here on earth as it is in heaven. In His wisdom, God has chosen to use even ordinary people for some of these great exploits.
To this end, God is raising secret agents of young people for the manifestation of His total counsel on earth. Not many wise, intellectual or noble will be numbered amongst them because He has chosen to use “babes and suckling”, ordinary people, who carry His life and power. These are true worshipers who will not rely on carnal weapons but will be highly skilled in the use of spiritual weapons which are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Esther Company is one of the vehicles for grooming and/or equipping these people whom God will Himself choose. It is a company of young people who desire to be imparted with the word and life of God as Mordecai imparted Esther as a young lady grooming her for her God-given assignment – the enthronement of God’s will and deliverance of God’s people. These secret agents are some of God’s last day army for the restoration of righteousness and enthronement of His will in our land. They will, like Esther, stand for Jesus Christ even in the face of odds and do great exploits for our God.